Sunday, July 28, 2013

It Got Worse

A few posts down I mentioned I was going to be positive and that nothing could be worse than Weston's 4-5 awakenings at night.  Well, he must be reading this blog because it got worse.  I didn't realize how good past me had it, after nursing Wes would fall right back to sleep and few nights I got 3 hour chunks in there.  I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS SUPPOSE TO SAVOR THAT.  Here's how last night went:

6:14PM-10:49AM (4:35) - let me add, I had to go in and give him his paci about 4 times in this first chunk
11:06PM-12:10 (1:03)
THEN HE WAS WIDE AWAKE AND WOULDN'T GO BACK TO SLEEP OMG YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME.  I nursed him and it did nothing.  I gave him his paci and he was still rolling around playing with his hands staring at me.  I finally rocked him and it was sooooooooooooo annoying.  I had to turn the nightlight out I've used since day 1 because he wouldn't stop looking at the ceiling fan.  He kept arching his back, making it difficult for me to hold him to look at things.  Not once have I ever, in his 4 months of existence, had to get out of bed and rock him after nursing.  Never.  
2:15-3:31 (1:15)
3:39-5:14 (1:35)
and at 5AM I rocked him again because I did not want him or myself up for the day.  No.  I couldn't do it.  I got another 55 minutes out of him, 6:12 - 7:07 but it took me an hour to get that.  I'm so tired.  So tired.  I just can't do this anymore.  Really.  I can't.  I'd love to go back to a few days ago when he was at least GOING BACK TO SLEEP AFTER WAKING UP.  This is ridiculous.  I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day and night again.  I just don't.  I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep I think and none of that was consecutive hours. 

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