Monday, July 22, 2013

Baby Stuff

So I'm 4 months into this whole thing and therefore an expert on baby gear!  Seriously though these products I couldn't recommend enough and plan to buy for my friends when they have babies.  When it came to the whole baby prep thing we really went with the bare minimum. We have a small ranch style house so I didn't want baby crap everywhere.  We didn't do a nursery...I didn't have a crib until 2 weeks ago.  And the only reason I have it is because it was given to me.  I know having a baby in your bedroom isn't for everyone but it worked for us, especially since I am breastfeeding - it was just easier to have Weston close by when I learned to nurse him laying down. I did tire of having him IN our bed but I still wanted him close by because he wakes up a lot during the night.  I currently have a sidecar crib arrangement going on and I like it a lot.  I do plan to move him out of our room eventually when his sleep improves, which means I don't think it will happen in the foreseeable future.

 My BrestFriend Deluxe Nursing Pillow - Chocolate Quick Information
 My BrestFriend Nursing Pillow
I'm still using this pillow.  It is the BEST.  I don't think I ever unclipped it from my waist (except to use the bathroom) for the first 7 weeks.  It saves your arms.  It holds your nipple cream.  It supports your back. 
Lille Baby Nordic Carrier
Lillebaby Nordic Carrier
I lived in this and still use it frequently although not as much due to the July heat.  Weston was one of those babies that wanted to be held all the time.  Every time I put him down for a nap if he fell asleep on me, he woke up as soon as his body brushed the sheets/bassinet/PNP/swing.  It sucked.  This saved my sanity.  He could snuggle up on my chest and I'd clean my house, take long walks with my dog, do laundry...EAT... I realized that I watched the entire season of Nashville (over the span of a few days) on Hulu while wearing Weston in this carrier and bouncing on a yoga ball.  I managed to walk everyday with him in it for 2 months.  I got exercise and he napped.  I'm 10lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight and I have to credit the carrier for helping/forcing me to get exercise.  Now that he's bigger the carrier adjusts and his little chubby legs can dangle and the top part folds down so he can look around and see stuff.  My back never hurt using this either. 

MAM pacifier
MAM Pacifiers
FOR SOME REASON I DIDN'T TRY TO OFFER A PACIFIER UNTIL WES WAS 5 WEEKS OLD.  I don't know why, I just didn't realize this baby likes to suck and he didn't need me to do that.  Oh these saved my sanity!  I'm still using them to put him down for naps and nighttime.  I wish I had used them sooner, truly.  Life would have been easier.  

Infantino Activity Mat: (Target)
Infantino Activity Mat
I remember reluctantly adding this to my baby registry thinking it was another piece of baby crap that would take up space and we wouldn't use it.  I started laying Wes on it in the mornings so I could get breakfast at around 7 weeks and I remember he would be occupied for 20-30 minutes or so.  It was awesome.  Now he spends a lot of his waking hours on it (mostly because I don't really know what else to do with him when he's awake) and he really, really loves looking and batting at the toys.  I get down there with him and eat and check email/do work for my husband's business.  He can be happy on the mat for up to an hour some days - mostly in the morning.  

Halo Sleep Sacks
Weston was a baby who lost all his hand/arm privileges during sleeping times fairly early on. His startle reflex would wake him up constantly or he would gouge his eyes out with his hands, get mad, and wake up.  These swaddles are awesome.  I was so sad when he outgrew them length wise and also started busting out of them every night.  I even double swaddle him for a few weeks to try and get more time out of them but he started breaking out of two swaddles too.  Now I'm using the Baby Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit to help transition from the swaddle. 

So that's how I survived the first few weeks!

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