Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Something Surprising

While I was pregnant I braced myself for stranger comments and unsolicited belly touches.  None of that ever happened to me.  I can recall one time, at a restaurant, a woman asking me when I was due and congratulating me but that was it.  I figured having a newborn would be the same way.  I generally get the feeling that most people don't like kids and babies. I think I see a news story everyday about some cafe' that bans children or some mother that had a screaming baby on an airplane (how dare her baby CRY).  That's fine.  Not everyone has to like kids, even I can't stand hearing kids whine and has to be the most annoying sound ever.  I was totally unprepared and FLOORED at all the attention I get when I'm out and about with Weston.  I cannot make it down the aisle in the grocery store without someone stopping me to talk to him, tell me how cute he is, ask me how old he is...etc.  I LOVE it!  I've met so many wonderful, kind people this way. I've received a lot of thoughtful advice and have been reminded how fast time goes.  And Weston is such a stinkin' ham, he gives everyone the biggest gummy smile.  It's the cutest thing ever.  I love that people take time out of their day to talk to me or to give my baby a compliment.  Even men have stopped me to say how cute it is to see Weston's chubby legs dangling from the baby carrier.  I don't know why but it gives me a little more faith in humanity.  I don't feel like the world is such an anti-baby, we-hate-kids place when people do this.  I'm sure most of my feelings stem from the fact we are the first in our group of friends/family to have a baby and I've seen the eye rolls when Wes would get fussy and heard the pitiful "oh that sucks you have to leave" comments when we head out of places early to get him to bed on time.  I don't mind these changes to my life.  I have no desire to be out drinking until 11PM or midnight.  I'm old.  I want to be home.  Having a baby is just the perfect excuse to have a reason to actually BE home.  You won't hear any complaints from me about that.  I've had almost a decade of carefree partying and I like this new chapter in my life.  I guess it just makes me feel a little less alone, a little less lonely when I get to have conversations with kind strangers on a daily basis and hear their encouragement and child rearing stories.  I've lived in our current home for 5 years now and probably talked to my neighbor only handful of times.  Cue having a baby and now I take Weston over there once a week (my neighbors are older, grandparent-y types).  They've bought Weston books and clothes, I couldn't believe it.  They absolutely dote on him and I love it.  He's such a fantastic, easy going baby that he deserves to be loved and spoiled by everyone.  I have no idea why a friendship wasn't struck up with my neighbors sooner but Weston was the ice breaker. I learned that they lost their son a few years ago so I think being around Wes is therapeutic for them in a way.  I was really surprised at how babies can bring people together or cause a stranger to tell you their life story.  It's an aspect of having a baby that I'm really enjoying right now!  I'm sure this will all change when I have a 2 year old, who is throwing a tantrum in the middle of Target, but for now I'm really enjoying this phase. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how much I loved reading this post! Wes the ice-breaker. <3
