Weston is very close to laughing, he does this huge wide open mouth smile and scream thing but he's close! He is trying to roll from back to belly and spends a lot of time in a very interesting C shape.
He rolled from belly to back right before he was 3 months old. I was shocked when he did it because I never did much tummy time with him because he always cried. I did wear him upright a lot so I'm assuming his neck got strong from that. I laid him on his belly one day and he rolled. It was so cute! I can't lay him on his belly now because he goes right over but sometimes he forgets and gets mad.
He had his 4 month checkup and shots last week. He is a robust 14.5lbs and I forget his length and head size.
I catch him watching TV a lot. I usually have the news on or Bravo just for background noise when I'm home and there have been a few times he's stared at the TV for awhile. My mom started putting kids shows on for him when I'm over. She's ridiculous.
Nicknames: Billy-Roo and Baby boy
Special skills: Eating his hands, eating anything you place in his hands, rolling to his side, smiling and babbling
Most annoying features: See my post below on sleep deprivation
Most desirable features: He's a pretty easy going baby and content most of the time. If he wakes up from a nap and is changed and fed, I can take him anywhere and never have a problem/fussy baby. He goes down fairly easily for naps (if he's tired) and just requires his paci and someone to hangout next to him for 10 or so minutes until he falls asleep.
Dislikes: When the dogs bark loudly/suddenly, when his dad sneezes loudly and being tired.
Likes: His hands, the bath, his pacifier, his Nanny
For reference:
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